Monday, August 14, 2017

Let's Discuss a Scene: Captain von Trapp Tears a Nazi Flag in Half

Everyone’s talking about Charlottesville, which makes sense. We have reached an arguable point of no return where we can no longer politely pretend things aren’t happening or escalating. Yet, plot twist: I’m not here to talk about Charlottesville. I don’t have anything new to say about it. Possibly I don’t even have anything intelligent to say about it. Rather than create verbal clutter, I’m instead going to talk about this:

Saturday, August 5, 2017

legalist217 > Items > FenixDown

I have two best female friends. One got married and moved to Omaha, and I was there to help her prep for the wedding and pack for the move. The other just started a blog because her mother Strongly Encouraged her to do so. Granted, it’s not quite the same in terms of scale, but in reviving this blog, perhaps I can be a supportive friend for her as well. These things are easier done when you aren’t typing completely into the void. (Obligatory link to bestie’s blog right here.)