So, it's two days after Columbus Day. Facebook, naturally, was semi-alive with commentary, as all the individuals who either cared or cared about other individuals caring came out of the woodwork to opine, as is their wont. People wrote statuses decrying that we live in a nation that would give a mass murderer of hapless innocents recognition in the form of a holiday. This in turn, naturally, prompted others to write statuses about how overly proud of themselves the former group was, considering they were making a point that virtually no one with an ounce of political correctness will argue. Pictures eventually cropped up of people engaged in actual protests, complete with signs insisting that we should call it "(National) Indigenous Peoples Day". Terrifyingly, they weren't even hipsters. This was followed by still other people engaging in debates over whether we need to recognize values dissonance in the actions of what was essentially a turn-of-the-sixteenth-century businessman, as well as whether Columbus was more evilly motivated in his murders than Cortez was. At one point, Hitler was referenced, as one does in conversations such as these.
I look at all of this and boggle for a minute. Then, I realize that there's a very logical explanation for how so many people my age can hold such disparate viewpoints.